Mangata finance正准备向在PancakeSwap假MGA销售骗局中的受害者

提供补偿,在这篇文章中,我们说明受害者如何将他们的BSC钱包连接到Mangata finance账户以申请补偿。


大约一年前,当加密世界牛市运行在全速进行时,在BSC上开始了一场可怕的骗局。骗子假冒Mangata finance信息,在PancakeSwap上向想成为Mangata finance早期投资者的用户出售假的MGA代币。在这次事件中,价值近3.2万美元的BNB被盗。




Théodore Géricault: The Raft of Medusa


按照承诺,Mangata将以MGX 代币按比例补偿被诈骗的受害者损失。根据2021年8月16日的快照,我们的数据库里有一份受影响的BSC钱包地址清单。为了提供他们钱包的所有权,受害者将能够使用一个专门的支持网站将他们的BSC地址与他们的Mangata账户联系起来。

如何创建一个Mangata X钱包


  1. 创建一个polkadot.js钱包
  2. Talisman指引



要申请赔偿,你需要将你的BSC地址与你的Mangata X账户联系起来。请访问,并遵循以下步骤。

  1. 通过Metamask连接你的BSC地址。
  2. 通过Polkadot.js或Talisman连接你的Mangata X地址。
  3. 点击 “申请赔偿”。

为了证实你的信息,我们要求用你的BSC地址确认Mangata X地址与该账户有关(意思是:它属于你)。你将通过用你的BSC钱包签署一条信息来实现这一目的,该消息将包含您的Mangata X地址,这样BSC地址的所有者就会验证他们想用Mangata X地址申请。这种链接不会提交给任何区块链,因此不会花费任何gas,它只是一个消息的签署。然后我们将通过与文件中的列表进行比较,检查BSC和MGX地址是否符合条件。如果可以建立链接,你会看到一条成功信息。只有当你看到这个成功信息时,我们才收到了你的签名信息。



Mangata finance 致力于建立一个公平有人文情怀的社区,这就是为什么我们决定进行这次赔偿用户活动。我们希望这个消息能找到尽可能多的受害者,并希望你能成为我们社区的一员。

Mangata Finance is offering to reimburse victims that have fallen for a fake Mangata token sale last year. In this article, we explain how the victims can connect their BSC wallet to a Mangata account to claim their reimbursement.

Approximately one year ago while the bull run was on full speed, a dire scam commenced on the Binance Smart Chain. Using the Mangata brand, scammers sold fake MGA tokens on PancakeSwap to people who wanted to become early investors of Mangata. Nearly 32k USD worth of BNB was stolen during the incident.

Having many questions on our socials all of a sudden, we realized there is a fake sale campaign going on and started to investigate the issue. After performing careful on-chain research, the Mangata team identified the wallets of victims and produced an analysis. The analysis showed us there are ~200 victims who lost money to this scam.

The Relief

Despite the high winds of the bear market, the Airwhale is here to help you.

Théodore Géricault: The Raft of Medusa

As promised, Mangata will reimburse the scam victims in proportion to their loss with MGX tokens. We have a list of affected BSC wallet addresses in our database based on a snapshot taken on 16th August 2021. To provide ownership of their wallets, the victims will be able to link their BSC addresses with their Mangata accounts using a dedicated support website.

How to create a Mangata X wallet

If you still don’t have a Dotsama wallet, you can follow one of the instructions here to create a Mangata account.

Creating a Polkadot.js Wallet Talisman Guides

How to claim your reimbursement

If you have been a victim of the fake Pancake Swap MGA sale, you can receive reimbursement. The BSC addresses that are eligible for the reimbursement are listed in this document.

To claim the reimbursement, you need to link your BSC address to your Mangata X account. Visit and follow these steps:

  1. Connect your BSC address via Metamask.
  2. Connect your Mangata X address via Polkadot.js or Talisman.
  3. Click “Claim Reimbursement”.

To link your account, we are asking you to confirm with your BSC address that the Mangata X address is associated with that account (meaning: it belongs to you). You will do this by signing a message with your BSC wallet. The message will contain your Mangata X address. This way the owner of the BSC address verifies that they want to claim the reimbursement with the Mangata X address. This linking will not be submitted to any blockchain and will therefore not cost any gas. It is just a signing of a message. We will then check if the BSC and MGX addresses are eligible by comparing them against the lists in the document. If a link can be made, you will see a success message. Only if you see this success message, we have received your signed message.

Please keep in mind that the linking period ends 4 weeks after the publication of this post.


Mangata is committed to fairness and community ownership, that’s why we decided to perform this reimbursement campaign. We hope that this message finds as many of the victims as possible and would love to have you as a part of our community.

About Mangata

Mangata is a next-generation DEX with the mission to make tokens from all ecosystems tradable on a single DEX. It features gasless swaps, prevents front-running and MEV on the consensus level without additional fees, and secures the network with the revolutionary proof-of-liquidity consensus. As a Layer 1 app-chain building on Substrate, it is not bound by legacy restrictions and can customize the rules of the chain to optimize the whole ecosystem around capital efficiency and fairness. Mangata X is THE upcoming Kusama DEX that broke records when closing its crowdloan within 50 minutes.

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