Mangata 决定赔偿 PancakeSwap 骗局的受害者
Mangata refunds the victims of the scam on PancakeSwap

上个周末,有人在 PancakeSwap 发起了一项活动,表示要售卖 MGA 代币。但是这些代币并不是真正的 MGA,而且和 Mangata Finance 没有关系。
MGA 还没开始发行,也暂时没进入市场流通。
攻击者用 30 BNB 创造了假的 MGA 池,并且提走了 109 BNB。也就是说攻击者从受害者处骗走了价值 4 万 USD 的 BNB。
突然有这么多关注 Mangata 的中国用户,着实令人惊喜。所以我们决定赔偿这些受害者。
截止到 2021 年 8 月 16 日上午(UTC),详见截图,所有在这次事件中购买代币的用户都可以得到退款。受害者需要证明截图中地址的所有权,并且提供可使用的以太坊或 Mangata 的地址,用于退款。具体的退款操作会在之后的公告中说明。
关于退款的 MGA 价格,我们会按照未来代币生成事件(TGE)的价格进行偿付。如果想继续跟进此次事件的进展,敬请订阅 Mangata Newsletter 以及关注我们的媒体频道,之后会详细说明这次事件。
请注意,我们只会向这次骗局的受害者退款。请各位关注我们的官方频道来获取 Mangata 的信息。若再有类似骗局,我们概不负责。
English version of the post
Mangata refunds the victims of the scam on PancakeSwap
Over the last weekend, there has been a campaign started on PancakeSwap, allegedly selling MGA tokens. The tokens were not real MGA and it had nothing to do with Mangata Finance.
Note: MGA tokens have not been issued yet, and they’re not in circulation yet.
We’ve noticed an influx of the Chinese community with plenty of questions about the project. The questions were very relevant, but it was completely unrelated to the fake sale campaign.
The scam happened on this address
To see how much value the attacker was able to withdraw, look here
30 BNB were used to create a fake MGA pool, and 109 BNB in total was withdrawn. Thus, the attacker was able to extract almost 40 000 USD of value in BNB from victims that fell prey into this scam.
We were pleasantly surprised by the interest of chinese community in Mangata, and we have decided to refund the victims
How will the refund work?
We made a snapshot of the transactions happening to date, 16.08.2021 UTC morning, and all buyers who have spent money will be refunded. Victims will be required to prove the ownership of their address and to provide a valid Ethereum or Mangata address to the refund. The exact mechanism of the refund is to be announced.
The price of refunded MGA tokens will be determined at the TGE (token generation event) in the future. To follow this topic, please subscribe to Mangata newsletter and follow our media channels, we will be communicating on this issue further.
Future token traps
This will be the only time when we refund the victims of such a trap token. We strongly encourage the community to follow our official channels for any information regarding Mangata. Future occurrences of scams will not be refunded.

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