MGX-KSM Liquidity Bootstrapping Event Date: June 8th

The event we have all been waiting for weeks is approaching. Today we announce the exact date: The MGX-KSM Liquidity Bootstrapping Event will start on June 8th, 2022, and will last for a week!
What is MGX-KSM Liquidity Bootstrapping Event?
The MGX-KSM Liquidity Bootstrapping Event will create the very first market on the Mangata X Kusama DEX: the MGX-KSM liquidity pool. It will be the first opportunity for early adopters of Mangata X to get their MGX liquidity allocation and receive early rewards. If you missed the crowdloan, this is your chance to get an MGX allocation.
Where do I learn more?
We have prepared a detailed article with full explanations and FAQs. Find the article here: MGX-KSM Liquidity Bootstrapping Event
Do I need to take any action?
If you want to participate with your KSM, make sure to get it ready.
How do I stay in the loop?
The exact timing will be announced on the day of the bootstrap. If you want to make sure you are informed about all developments, make sure to follow these channels:
- Join the Mangata X Newsletter at
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- Follow us on Twitter: @MangataFinance
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