Calling all Mangata Pioneers: Get ready for Phase 2!

Mangata solved fundamental DeFi problems in Phase 1 and will now build the early adopter community to launch its next generation DEX chain. We invite you to become a Mangata Pioneer! Phase 2 will be driven by community events, explaining our tech, gathering validators, performing experiments, creating NFT art and more…
If you are anything like us, you can’t stop talking about DeFi. You talk about DeFi with your colleagues, with your friends, even with your family. We know the feeling! Why do we do this? Because we know the simple truth:
DeFi is changing the world!
Right now. Right here. But only a tiny fraction of people actually realize what is going on! We are still early!
And if you join Mangata Phase 2 today, you can be very early! Why? DeFi and especially decentralized exchanges are not done yet. DeFi is still being invented! New innovations, tokens, derivatives and protocols emerge every day. On the other hand, smart contract blockchains are slowly starting to show limitations that hinder the growth of DeFi protocols: expensive gas fees, locking away staking liquidity, front-running and many more.
There are lots of opportunities to solve these hard problems and write history. This is part of the reason why we have set up Mangata Labs: We think these problems can be solved. We want to build the solutions for them. And we are going to make it!
This was what defined Mangata Phase 1: Build the tech
At Mangata Labs, we have been grinding away for the previous 9 months to build the tech for the next generation of DeFi.
- A DEX blockchain that runs without gas fees.
- Proof-of-Liquidity: A revolutionary mechanism that unlocks staked liquidity
- We created Themis ⚖️ protocol: A complete solution to front-running and miner extractable value.
We are also proud to announce that we finished the first milestone of the official Substrate Builders Programme and are about to close the second milestone. We have worked tirelessly and are now confident that our contributions (especially Themis ⚖️ protocol) will be part of DeFi history.
Now we are ready for phase 2: Build the community
The tech is ready. The next question is: Are you?
We believe that the winning DeFi platforms of the future will be those that are owned, governed and run by the community. To launch Mangata, we will first build a strong community of early adopters that are willing to be active members of the next generation DeFi platform. People that are willing to expose themselves and be rewarded for doing so.
We are looking for Mangata Pioneers
Phase 2 of Mangata means:
- Building our community - Early adopters are invited to join our Discord community and get the alpha leaks as they drop.
- Sharing solutions - Pushing articles that introduce and explain our solutions that solve some of the big problems in DeFi
- Get ready for Mangata Monday! Every monday we hold public and/or private community calls that will tackle the big issues
- DeFi Experiments
- NFT drops 👀
- Very importantly: We are looking for validators! Stay tuned for more infos!
If you also care about asking big questions and building great solutions, you are already a Mangata Pioneer. Come as you are, we need traders, validators, economists, developers, artists, socialites and many more!
How to participate as Mangata Pioneer
- Come join our Community Call on 18 October, 2021, 6pm UTC. We will be holding a community call that will explain Mangata, our state of the tech and much more. Join our Discord to be there!
- Subscribe to the Mangata Newsletter at to get updates and latest news!
- Follow us on Twitter: @MangataFinance

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